Does international reserves targeting decrease the vulnerability to capital flights? (with C. Proaño and W. Semmler). Research in International Business and Finance 44: 64-75, 2018.
Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize Winner. Review of Political Economy 28(1): 23-44, 2016.
Modeling the Dynamics of the Transition to a Green Economy. (with S. Mittnik, W. Semmler, and D. Samaan) in Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, Springer, 2014.
Employment and Output Effects of Climate Policies. (with S. Mittnik, W. Semmler, and D. Samaan) in The Oxford Handbook of Macroeconomics of Global Warming, Oxford University Press, 2014.
Transitoriness of Market Power and Antitrust Activity. Journal of Competition Law and Economics 6(2): 393-422, 2010.
The Role of Investment Efficiency in the Industry Life Cycle. Industrial and Corporate Change 19(1): 273-294, 2010.
Transitioning out of Poverty. (with D. Brasington and W. Semmler ). Metroeconomica 61(1): 68-95, 2010.
Solving Ecological Management Problem Using Dynamic Programming. (with L. Gruene and W. Semmler ). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 57 (4): 448-473, 2005.
Dominant firms, Competition-deterring Investment and Antitrust Policy. (with W. Semmler ) in Keynes, Sraffa, and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory. Essays in Honour of Heinz D. Kurz (Neri Salvadori and Christian Gehrke, eds), Routledge, 2011.
Markup Pricing. (with W. Semmler ) in International Encyclopedia of the Social Science (2nd ed.), Macmillan, 2008.
Tobin's q and Investment Model with Multiple Equilibria. (with W. Semmler and M. Ofori) in Time and Space in Economics, Springer, 2007.
Jean Tirole, Nobel Prize Winner. Review of Political Economy 28(1): 23-44, 2016.
Modeling the Dynamics of the Transition to a Green Economy. (with S. Mittnik, W. Semmler, and D. Samaan) in Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics, Springer, 2014.
Employment and Output Effects of Climate Policies. (with S. Mittnik, W. Semmler, and D. Samaan) in The Oxford Handbook of Macroeconomics of Global Warming, Oxford University Press, 2014.
Transitoriness of Market Power and Antitrust Activity. Journal of Competition Law and Economics 6(2): 393-422, 2010.
The Role of Investment Efficiency in the Industry Life Cycle. Industrial and Corporate Change 19(1): 273-294, 2010.
Transitioning out of Poverty. (with D. Brasington and W. Semmler ). Metroeconomica 61(1): 68-95, 2010.
Solving Ecological Management Problem Using Dynamic Programming. (with L. Gruene and W. Semmler ). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 57 (4): 448-473, 2005.
Dominant firms, Competition-deterring Investment and Antitrust Policy. (with W. Semmler ) in Keynes, Sraffa, and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory. Essays in Honour of Heinz D. Kurz (Neri Salvadori and Christian Gehrke, eds), Routledge, 2011.
Markup Pricing. (with W. Semmler ) in International Encyclopedia of the Social Science (2nd ed.), Macmillan, 2008.
Tobin's q and Investment Model with Multiple Equilibria. (with W. Semmler and M. Ofori) in Time and Space in Economics, Springer, 2007.